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Grain Transport via Handysize Vessels: A Perfect Match

26 Sep

In the fast paced revolutionary world of maritime logistics, it is very important to come up with the suitable vessel to use in the movement of commodities from one place to the other. In the case of grain transport grain transport, Handysize vessels have come out as the most appropriate due to the balance between efficiency and flexibility required by the industry. One of the major players in this field is Wendao, well-known for its advanced and secure maritime services.

Handysize Vessel and Its Definition

Handysize vessels are commonly categorized as those whose Dead Weight Tonnage (DWT) is between 15,000 and 35,000 tons. They are also very useful and effective in the transportation of bulk cargoes that consist of grains, fertilizers and other agricultural products. Their sizes make it possible for them to access minor ports and shallow rivers and therefore are ideal for transporting grains in various parts of the world.

The Value Added of Handysize Vessels in Grain Transport

Flexibility: Handysize vessels operate in any type of port and this includes even the exploration of ports that do not have basic infrastructure. Because of this flexibility, Handysize vessels would be able to operate with lesser operational challenges and therefore, quicker turnaround times.

Efficient Cargo Handling: Since Handysize vessels are designed with respect to bulk carrying of cargo, loading as well offloading on the vessel is time efficient and not so many delays are experienced in the course of inland transportation whilst operating the vessels.

Cost-Effectiveness: Regarding the economy of Handysize vessels, their small size has lower operating costs than larger ones. Thus, it is quite cheap to use these vessels for grain shipment especially when shipping over short to medium distances.

What Products and Services Will Ukraine Get from Wendao for Grain Transport?

Capabilities of transporting bulk cargo: Wendao possesses knowledge in bulk grain transportation owing to its expertise in maritime logistics over the years such that industry standards and regulations are adhered to.

Modern Ship: The Handysize vessels in our fleet have modern safety, efficiency, and reliability features and technology for effective transportation.

Problem Solving Orientation: Wendao puts the interests of the customers in the first priority. Our team is committed to working with the customers to the specific details of the order, including the methods of the shipping.

Efficient Logistics Management: Thanks to the diversity of routes and partnership solutions, Wendao is able to arrange the delivery of grain from and for any appropriate foreign country to complete the order on time.

Grain transport especially by sea is highly sensitive to the choice of a vessel. There is a good balance of all these factors in the Handysize vessels. Wendao is the right partner for you in the grain logistics held to the industry standards with good quality service delivery to the clients’ needs.


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